Retrofitting Aged PV Systems with DC-DC Optimizers

Learn About Repowering Existing PV Plants to Improve Energy Production

As PV plants age, a variety of factors can serve to hamper the amount of energy they produce from degrading PV panels to failed inverters.  A number of these issues can be mitigated with installation of Alencon’s SPOT DC-DC optimizers.  This whitepaper provides a comprehensive explanation of the challenges an aged PV plant can face as well as the logistics of performing a successful PV retrofit. It explains the economic rationale and payback a PV retrofit can provide.

Complete the form to download the white paper

Our products

Isolated DC-DC Optimizers
Bi-Directional Isolated DC-DC Optimizers
Dynamic Voltage Bi-Directional DC-DC Optimizer
Remote PV-IOT™ Hardware and Software

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please email us using the form below.