Alencon Systems will be prominently featured at the Microgrid 2022 conference in Philadelphia June 1 – 2. The company will be exhibiting its unique power electronics solutions for DC coupled Microgrids in booth #5 while speaking on the subject of Microgrids on Military bases. The Alencon products on display at Microgrid 2022 will include the latest version of Alencon’s galvanically isolated DC:DC converters, the SPOT and BOSS Version 7 series.
“Here at Alencon, we have deployed our products in a number of cutting-edge DC coupled Microgrid projects and have a number more in deployment,” says Hanan Fishman, Alencon Systems President. “It’s particularly exciting to be able to participate in an event located such close proximity to our suburban Philadelphia factory where we manufacture our DC:DC converters for Microgrid applications.”
The BOSS and SPOT Version 7 series that Alencon will be demonstrating at Microgrid 2022 offer higher power ratings than previous versions in the same, compact form factor as previous models. The Alencon BOSS – which stands for bi-directional optimizer for storage systems - is Alencon’s bi-directional DC:DC converter solution. The BOSS is ideal for the bi-directional charge and discharge of battery energy storage in DC distribution systems such as solar and storage. Earlier this year, Alencon was awarded its seventh U.S. patent for the BOSS product.
The Alencon SPOT – which stands for string power optimizer and transmitter – is Alencon’s galvanically isolated, uni-directional DC:DC conversion solution. The SPOT can be used for a variety DC:DC applications include pairing solar and storage.
About Alencon
Alencon’s solutions for ALternative ENergy CONversion provide high modularity and scalability for systems from several megawatts to several-hundred megawatts. By helping to dramatically reduce balance of system costs and increase power production through new inverter and energy harvesting technology, Alencon helps advance the state of the art and increase the financial viability of solar power. Headquartered in Hatboro, Pennsylvania, has been building PV power conversion hardware since 2009, drawing on the combined decades of power electronics experience of its engineering team.